Thursday, February 3, 2011

Assignment Change and Love of Reading Week

Due to school closure, please note the current assignments for language arts and reading:

LA- pg 334:C and pg 335:B

Reading- Read Love That Dog to pg 52. Do comprehension questions. Study Vocabulary. We will have a quiz on Monday.

Finish Reading Contract Art Project - Due Monday, 2/7.

Due to no school on Friday, we will have a review spelling lesson on Monday and take the spelling test on Tuesday. If you want to retake last week's test, we will do that on Tuesday as well.

Love of Reading Week
Next week is Love of Reading Week. We will take time each day to share our favorite books and then curl up for a nice, quiet read.
Please bring the following:
A favorite book to share with the class. (Something we can read aloud.)
Another book to read during quiet reading time.
A snack to share. (Please send snacks in on Monday if possible and we will use them throughout the week.)
Optional items: A pillow, blanket, favorite stuffed animal to cuddle up with while reading.