Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Poetry and Adjectives

LA- Comparative and Superlative adjectives.
HW-pg 332: A and C

Reading-vocabulary from Love That Dog pg 31-52.
HW-Match vocabulary to definitions. Rewrite vocab and definitions in cursive.

LA-Speak-ups in class

Reading-Read Love That Dog in class.
HW- Reading Contract Future Shock is due Wednesday. Write a sentence for each vocabulary word. Bring 3 ideas for a shape poem.

LA-Start shape poems. Finish speak-ups.

Reading-Read Love That Dog in class.

LA-Work on shape poems in class.
HW-Finish rough draft of shape poem.

Reading-Finish reading through page 52.
HW-Comprehension questions. Study for vocabulary words for quiz on Friday.

Spelling Test. Students may also retake last week's spelling test.

LA-More and Most; Good and Bad - Pg 272-275.
HW- (if not finished in class) pg 333:B, pg 334:C

Reading- Quiz over pgs 31-52 in Love That Dog.